When my son was little, he couldn't get enough of LEGO®. I still love it! Even though my son is 18 now, I just can't part with the LEGO® and I just adore the little LEGO® men.
I was so excited to learn that one of my friends (an Aussie expat), Mara Shaughnessy, an accomplished and talented children's author and illustrator (see my previous post about "Downpour" here), has published a true story - LEGO® Man in Space - about how two teenagers, Mat and Asad, built a spaceship, sent it into near space (80 000 feet into space using a weather balloon, a homemade parachute, and a video camera ) and brought it back to earth safely.
So far, more than 3 million people around the world have tuned into YouTube to watch the real-life voyage of LEGO® Man in space: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQwLmGR6bPA
But you can also read about this incredible feat by asking your librarian for a copy of LEGO® Man in Space: A True Story, or you can find it here: http://www.amazon.com/LEGO-Man-Space-True-Story/dp/1620875446
The book is packed with facts and information and you’ll also find cool ideas for your own science and engineering projects, as well as LEGO®-themed games and crafts.
If you STILL can’t get enough LEGO® Man in Space, you can check out the colouring sheets, worksheets and activities at www.littlemonster.ca/legoman.
Ever wondered how to draw a LEGO® Man or Woman? Here is a fun activity to get you started!
You can find out more about Mara's work here. I absolutely adore her illustrations in "Downpour".
Happy inventing, drawing, writing, building, creating and dreaming!
Remember that little kids + big ideas = big things!