Thursday 3 April 2014

"Herman and Rosie" and Earth Day freebies

Earlier this year I blogged about picture books to support Jazz Appreciation Month. Check it out here.

Well, excitement plus!!! The focus for National Literacy and Numeracy Week (NLNW) 2014 in Australia includes free teaching notes and activities for using "Herman and Rosie" in the classroom. National Literacy and Numeracy Week is celebrated this year between the 25th - 31st August.  You can access the free teaching notes for different year levels (K-8) here or by clicking on the image below.  

You can access the NLNW website here.  They have excellent free teaching notes for numeracy all around the environment, rubbish and recycling which would be great for Earth Day - check them out here

Other ideas and resources for picture books about jazz including "Herman and Rosie" are available through my previous blog post here and here's another YouTube link.

Have fun with these!


  1. Thanks for the great resources!

    Anne Weaver

  2. You are more than welcome Anne - it was a great find on the NLNW website :)
