Refugee Week is celebrated in Australia between 18 - 24 June 2017. As Refugee Week draws to a close for another year, I thought it important to share some children's and young adult/youth literature about refugees and the courage it takes them to survive.
When I first began this post, I thought I would feature maybe one page of picture books that focus on the courage of refugees and their stories from around the world. What became clear, was that this is a very big issue that affects so many people worldwide, and I started asking how its importance could be addressed significantly in just one short week?
I am going to keep this post brief, not to limit its importance, but rather to share links for further investigation.I have several pinterest boards where I pin resources and ideas for supporting learning about refugees, migrants and other cultures. The links are included below.
Refugees in Australia
Australian Multiculturalism
I also have some favourite resources that I use to study refugees, and one of them is the picture book, "My Two Blankets" by Irena Kobald, illustrated by Freya Blackwood.
You can read my previous blog post about this picture book, with links to free downloads and resources here. Click on the image above to learn more about the resource I made to support the picture book, "My Two Blankets".
This week, I will be giving away one copy of my resource for the picture book, "My Two Blankets" and also a copy of the picture book, "My Name is not Refugee" by Kate Milner.
I actually ordered two copies of the picture book, "My Name is not Refugee" (by mistake on different days, as only I can!), so I am happy to gift one copy to one of my followers. Both of these picture books have won awards in their own right, so I am happy to share them with you!
Please enter the Rafflecopter below if you are interested in scoring one (or both) of these resources. I will keep the entry process really simple :) Make sure you use the arrows on the rafflecopter to choose which giveway you wish to enter. You are more than welcome to enter both :) Click on the hyperlink below "a Rafflecopter giveaway" to enter, if the Rafflecopter image is not visible.
Have a terrific week everyone and happy school holidays to my teaching colleagues in Australia!

Please note that I am in no way affiliated with the authors, illustrators or book providers linked to in this post.