Sunday, 21 May 2017

How about you? "I'm Australian Too" by Mem Fox giveaway

What journeys we have travelled, from countries near and far! Together now, we live in peace, beneath the Southern Star.
Mem Fox's latest picture book, "I'm Australian Too" is a celebration of Australia's cultural diversity.   Touching on themes around Australia's multiculturalism, immigration and refugees, the book captures many of the reasons why and how people came to live in Australia and that regardless of our differences, we are all Australians.    

View a YouTube clip of a read aloud of the story, "I'm Australian Too"  here.

"I'm Australian Too" is steeped in themes of inclusivity which would make it a wonderful partner text with, "Whoever You Are", another story of inclusivity and acceptance by Mem Fox.  The blurb of "Whoever You Are" reinforces the importance of the acceptance of individual differences: 

"Every day all over the world, children are laughing and crying, playing and learning, eating and sleeping. They may not look the same. They may not speak the same language. Their lives may be quite different. But inside, they are all alike."

Access free lesson plan ideas for other Mem Fox titles here.

Click on the red hyperlinks to find more resources and ideas about Australian Multiculturalism and Refugees in Australia.

Teaching ideas for "I'm Australian Too" can be found on the Educate. Empower. website.

A lesson plan for "Whoever You Are" is provided by Community Services, ACT.

I have accumulated WAY TOO MANY picture books and I have often ordered a second copy before the first copy arrives so I will be doing regular giveaways on my blog over the next few weeks to give away the additional new copies I have ordered!!!  

In the giveaway this week, you can score yourself a brand new hardback copy of "I'm Australian Too" by Mem Fox.   Unfortunately, due to postage costs, this giveaway is open to Australian residents only, unless followers overseas would like to enter and cover the costs of the overseas postage themselves.

Please share this post with your networks :)  If the Rafflecopter rectangle does not show up, please just click on the link below.

Have a terrific week everyone :)

Friday, 12 May 2017

We go together - "The Cow Tripped Over the Moon" and "Eddie Frogbert"

"The Cow Tripped Over the Moon" by Tony Wilson and illustrated by Laura Wood, is a hilarious innovation on the original nursery rhyme.  

This version is a terrific tale of courage, persistence and resilience, which integrates maths (through the sequencing of events over time).  It has such potential for STEM, with the opportunity for students to design other ways for the cow to jump over the moon. View a short book trailer by Ms Todd here.

The illustrations by Laura Wood are hilarious and totally engaging as she captures the cow's persistence and resilience.

I just love this picture book.  It is the focus text for National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) on 24 May 2017.  The idea is that all teachers and students across Australia share this picture story book at 11 am on 24 May.  More information about NSS can be found here and ideas for activities to use with the picture book can be found here.

I also found some other links to art and craft activities for "Hey Diddle Diddle" that might be useful during NSS 2017.  

Please share any other ideas you find in the comments section below this post.

A terrific companion text or partner text is the newly published picture book, "A Big Leap for  Little Frog: Eddie Frogbert" by Sue deGennaro.  The whimsical illustrations use gouache, paper and pencil, juxtaposing the lime green and blue palette against a contrasting grey background.  They are simply extraordinary, capturing the tentative journey of Eddie Frogbert as develops the courage to overcome his fear, by taking a very big leap for a little frog.  

To help you and your class celebrate NSS 2017, I am giving away a copy of each of the two resources I created to support "The Cow Tripped Over the Moon".  Please enter the Rafflecopter for your chance to win a copy of one of these resources, and let your friends know about it too :)  

You can preview the two resources on TPT - Comprehension Activities and Retelling Puppets.  

Have a terrific week everyone :)