Hi all I just love "Scaredy Squirrel" by Melanie Watt and I was reading "Parachute" by Danny Parker today, which is shortlisted in the Australian Children's Book Awards and I couldn't help making text-to-text connections between the two texts.
You can view a book trailer for "Parachute" here and there are free teacher notes hereandhere. I have been a big fan of Scaredy Squirrelfor some time and have all the titles (which I love). Did you know he has his own Facebook page? It is so good :) So what does a squirrel have in common with a parachute? Both books have similar themes of fear, bravery, security and overcoming adversity. There's a terrific free activity for "Parachute" here.
I have created a new 4H reading strategy resource for "Scaredy Squirrel" with bookmarks, posters and a question sort. You can find out more about it here or by clicking on the image below:
I have also created a freebie for you for comparing "Scaredy Squirrel" with "Parachute". You can download it here or by clicking on the image below:
More ideas for "Scaredy Squirrel" can be found on my pinterest board here. Thanks for following my blog. I don't post too often due to other commitments. I honestly can't keep up with blogs that post too frequently, so thanks for following. I really only post when I make a connection that I want to share - usually around picture books, text sets and higher order thinking. Please let me know by leaving a comment below if you have used either of these texts or if you know of other texts with a similar theme. I love hearing your feedback and learning from you as well :) I will send a free copy of my new "Scaredy Squirrel" 4H reading strategy resourceto a few random readers who are following my blog and leave a comment with their email addresses. Have a terrific week! Many thanks for the custom clip art from Iva at estsy and the purchased clip art (parachute) from digi clip art.
I love the book, "Baloney (Henry P.)" by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith. It is so awesome for teaching context clues and working out unknown vocabulary in context. It is also great for introducing the high yield active comprehension strategies and the 4H reading strategy. You can view a YouTube reading of the book hereorhere. I Love to Teach has an excellent blog post about it here and in this blog post, Belinda also provides a template so that students can make their own alien and create an additional excuse for why Baloney was late for school. Mrs Whitehurst also shares how she has used Baloney for teaching context clues in her blog post here. I am just loving the Reading Comprehension Lessons website and they provide lessons that support the teaching of the high yield active comprehension strategies, using Baloney. You can view a YouTube clip about it here. This is a terrific resource for teachers new to explicit reading comprehension strategy instruction. Or find out more about the books that lessons have been planned for already (and pick up free samples) here. There are heaps of freebies on TPT if you are focusing purely on vocabulary within the text and the use of context clues. One example is here from Pinter's Potpourri and here's some other ideas from All Things Nice. I am actually loving this pdffor ideas for mentor texts to teach different literacy skills and strategies. I have created an original resource that scaffolds the introduction of the high yield active comprehension strategies, the 4H reading strategy, task cards for reading response, QR code task cards for vocabulary and a writing prompt. You can view it and find out more by clicking on the image below:
I will send a free copy to the first reader to leave a comment in the comment box below with their email address...you never know, I might bless others too, so please leave comments below about whether you have used this book in your class and what you have done with it :) Have a great week everyone!